Joves adults

Llistar Títols per Matèria "Joves adults"

S'han trobat 9 ítems

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out url icon Recercat Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: Exploring transition partnerships from the point of view of professionals in school and postschool services Pallisera, Maria ; Vilà Suñé, Montserrat ; Fullana Noell, Judit
out url icon Recercat Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: Exploring transition partnerships from the point of view of professionals in school and postschool services Pallisera, Maria ; Vilà Suñé, Montserrat ; Fullana Noell, Judit
doc icon DUGiDocs Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: Exploring transition partnerships from the point of view of professionals in school and postschool services Pallisera, Maria ; Vilà Suñé, Montserrat ; Fullana Noell, Judit
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: Exploring transition partnerships from the point of view of professionals in school and postschool services Pallisera, Maria ; Vilà Suñé, Montserrat ; Fullana Noell, Judit
out url icon Recercat Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth Ayllon Gatnau, Sara ; Ferreira-Batista, Natalia N.
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth Ayllón, Sara ; Ferreira-Batista, Natalia N.
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth Ayllón, Sara ; Ferreira-Batista, Natalia N.
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2018 Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth Ayllón, Sara ; Ferreira-Batista, Natalia N.

